LCA Low Cost Clinic


LCA Low Cost Clinic

The Lacan Circle of Australia’s low cost clinic offers psychoanalytically informed treatment for people who would otherwise struggle to afford it. This treatment provides a space to speak freely to someone who will listen with close attention. We aim to work with the unique history, suffering and desire of each person, rather than provide “strategies” or standardised solution. The clinic offers 16 low-cost sessions with the possibility to extend this in some cases. Fees are charged on a sliding scale worked out on a case-by-case basis with the aim of making this treatment accessible. The LCA low cost clinic is located in Melbourne. It works with adults 18 years and older and sessions are in person.

How to access the clinic

To access the clinic please write to the clinic at Someone from the clinic team will contact you within 14 days for an initial conversation and to determine whether the treatment offered by the clinic is suitable. If we have no available practitioners you will be notified of this immediately.

Volunteering in the clinic

If you would like to be considered to volunteer in the clinic you should first be in or have completed a Lacanian analysis. You should also be known to the LCA through participation in seminars, cartels and/or other parts of the LCA’s programs. You are expected to have some experience working in mental health and all people who work in the clinic need to be registered with one of the following bodies: the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW), Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA), Australian Counselling Association (ACA) or Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

You can inquire about volunteering in the clinic by contacting the clinic coordinating committee at

For referral inquiries please write to

For all other inquiries please write to

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See our Complaints Policy here