Lacan Circle Past Event Information



The Lacan Circle of Australia is an organisation dedicated to training, education and research in the Lacanian orientation. We offer an array of activities for trainees, students, scholars and practitioners ranging from foundational to explorations at the forefront of current developments in the field.



Lacan Circle Seminars provide a foundation to the theory and practice of psychoanalysis. Participants explore the fundamentals of Freudian psychoanalysis, the teaching of Lacan, and contemporary developments in the Lacanian orientation. Lacan Circle Seminars are open to all.

Our 2024 seminar in progress is here: Case Studies: An Introduction


Semester 1, 2024
Semester 2, 2023
Semester 1, 2023
Semester 2, 2022
Semester 1, 2022
Semester 2, 2021
Semester 1, 2021
  • Seminar XVII: The Other Side of Psychoanalysis
  • Introduction to Psychoanalysis: Freud
Semester 2, 2020
  • The Lacanian Orientation of Jacques-Alain Miller
  • The Analytic Act in Lacanian Psychoanalysis
Semester 1, 2020
  • Names of The Father
  • Clinical Issues in Psychoanalysis
Semester 2, 2019
  • The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis
  • Anxiety
Semester 1, 2019
  • The Direction of the Treatment
  • Freud and the Papers on Technique
Semester 2, 2018
  • Hysteria and Obsessional Neurosis
  • Sexuation
Semester 1, 2018
  • The Psychoses: Reading Lacan’s Seminar III
  • The Unconscious from Freud to Lacan


Clinical Seminars

Our clinical seminar program runs during our academic semesters and is available to Lacan Circle members and students who are in analysis and/or in practice themselves. The details are here


Reading Groups

Lacan Circle reading groups are free, entirely online, and open to all


Jacques Lacan, Seminar VI, Desire and Its Interpretation

This group is underway and ongoing. The details are here

Jacques Lacan, Seminar V, Formations of the Unconscious

This group met weekly during 2022 and 2023, and concluded in February 2024. The details are here

Sigmund Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams

This group met weekly during 2022 The details are here

Jacques Lacan, Seminar IV, The Object Relation

This group met weekly during 2021 and 2022 The details are here

Jacques Lacan, Seminar III, The Psychoses

This group met weekly during 2020 and 2021 The details are here


In Conversation Events



Frank Rollier, The Crisis of Authority and the Contemporary Discontent of Civilisation The recording is available here

Natalie Wülfing, The World, The Waste The recording is available here

Rik Loose, The Fall of the Object to Earth: Object a at the Zenith, Immonde (waste) and Discontent The recording is available here


Maro Bellou, From Kierkegaard to Lacan: Repetition? The recording is available here

Anne Lysy, Jouissance at the end of an analysis The recording is available here

Véronique Voruz, Bodies Captured by Discourse The recording is available here 

Thomas Svolos, The Aims of Analysis in the Late Lacan The recording is available here

Tim Themi, Bataille with Lacan: Eroticizing the Aesthetic The recording is available here

Leon Brenner, The Autistic Subject The recording is available here



Four-week short courses

Workshop on Negativity, May 2023, presented by David Ferraro The details are here


Winter Webinars

Short seminars held during the Australian winter.

2023: The Body as Rim-Bot, presented by Serena Smith  The details are here

2022: Lacan in the USA, presented by Russell Grigg  The details are here

2021: Bodily Cuts Rims and Scraps: Lacan’s Topology, presented by Serena Smith The details are here

2020: Moses and Monotheism, presented by Russell Grigg



The Lacan Circle has various cartels at work and in formation. LCA cartels are registered with the NLS. Visit our cartel information page here

We host Cartel Presentation Days each year. Our 2023 end-of-year event was held on 4 November and you may request the recording here


Journal Launch

PsychoanalysisLacan Volume 6: We’re all Mad Here was launched in Melbourne and online in February 2023, and is available here

PsychoanalysisLacan Volume 5: Lockdown! was launched in Melbourne and online in February 2022, and is available here

Visit PsychoanalysisLacan previous volumes here, and we will soon launch PsychoanalysisLacan Volume 7.


Study Days

  • Clinical Study Days with visiting guest Frank Rollier, NLS, ECF, WAP. Clinic of the Gaze; Diagnosis in the Clinic; Case Presentations; Origins and destinies of fantasies in adolescence, passages to the act (passages à l’acte). The details are here

  • Narcissism in our Time
  • The Direction of the Treatment – Students of Lacan respond to themes recently studied
  • Unlimited Enjoyments and The Real Unconscious
  • Politics and Psychoanalysis
  • Mothers
  • There Is No Sexual Relation – Psychoanalytic Reflections on Love, Sex and Gender
  • Lacan’s Seminars Applied – Students of the Lacan Circle respond to recent themes
  • Welcome to the Lacan Circle and the 2018 Program
  • Divine Erotics: Psychoanalysis and Religion
  • The Children of Psychoanalysis: From Little Hans to Lacan’s ‘Note on the Child’
  • Love and the Sexual Non-relation
  • Families, Couples and Children in a Hypermodern World
  • Segregation and Identity
  • The Postmodern Family
  • Jacques Alain Miller and The Very Final Lacan
  • Applied Psychoanalysis – From Le Courtil to the CPCT


Lacan Circle International Conferences


2022: We’re all Mad Here

Keynote: Jorge Assef, EOL, WAP, Argentina, and presentations by Lacan Circle analysts and associates over three days in November, 2022. The details are here Our associated publication, PsychoanalysisLacan Volume 6: We’re all Mad Here is available here


2020: Sexuation, Between Desire and Jouissance

Keynotes: Sophie Marret and Jean-Claude Maleval, France, and with presentations by international Lacanian analysts and associates. Cancelled due to coronavirus.


2019: The Real Unconscious 

Keynote: Alexandre Stevens, vice-president of the New Lacanian School, Analyst Member of the New Lacanian School and of the Ecole de la Cause freudienne (ECF). He is the founder and therapeutic director of Le Courtil, an institution for the psychoanalytic treatment of children located in Belgium; and former president of the NLS and the ECF. With presentations by Lacan Circle analysts and associates.

2018: The Late Lacan

Keynote: Stijn Vanheule, Professor of Psychoanalysis, University of Ghent, member of the New Lacanian School, author of The Subject of Psychosis: A Lacanian Perspective, Diagnosis and the DSM and Psychiatric Diagnosis Revisited. With presentations by members of the Lacan Circle of Australia.

2013: Or Worse, Psychoanalysis in a Post-Oedipal Era

Keynote: Pierre-Gilles Guéguen, Paris, member of the NLS and AMP


Colloquium 2019

Urgent Questions! Urgent Cases!

Keynote: Bernard Seynhaeve, President of the New Lacanian School, Analyst Member of the New Lacanian School and of the Ecole de la Cause Freudienne and former director of Le Courtil, an institution for the psychoanalytic treatment of children located in Belgium. With presentations by members of the Lacan Circle of Australia.


Forum 2018

Sexual Identity, Desire and Jouissance and Other Ideas to Live By

Mari Ruti, Canada, author of The Emotional Costs of Everyday Life


NLS Congresses

The XXII NLS International Congress, Clinic of the Gaze, was held during May 2024. The  details are here

The XXI NLS International Congress, Discontent and Anxiety in the Clinic and in Civilisation, was held in Paris during May 2023  The details are here

The XX NLS International Congress, Fixation and Repetition, was held in Lausanne, Switzerland during July 2022  The details are here


WAP Congresses

The XIV WAP Congress, Everyone is Mad, was held during February 2024. the details are here


Visit our current calendar of events here
Contact us with any queries here
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