Clinical Study Days

Due to the sensitive nature of the material, attendance at the LCA Clinical Study Days are by invitation only and reserved for members of the LCA and people with a clinical interest in Lacanian psychoanalysis.

If you are interested in attending, please contact Jonathan Redmond.

The upcoming clinical study days are as follows:

With Jean Luc Monnier
Painful loves: transference, fantasy and object a in the analytic setting

Tuesday October 22th
10am-5pm (AWST)
Clinical cases; Eric Laurent paper, “The case, from unease to the lie”

Melbourne and Online
Friday October 25th
Introduction to clinical study day: LCA president Kate Briggs
Case presentations: Jean Luc Monnier

Saturday October 26th
10am-12pm (AEDT)
Jean Luc Monnier lecture on transference in the later Lacan (transferential unconscious / the real unconscious) with reference to the 2025 NLS congress theme “Painful Loves”
2pm-5pm (AEDT)
Case Presentations – LCA case presentations / respondents with JLM response
Case Presentations: David Westcombe and Cara Brough
Respondents: Milanda Matthews and Ellen Smith

Sunday October 27th
10am-1pm (AEDT)
Jean Luc Monnier lecture on “Symptom reduction in neurosis: working with drive objects and fantasy”
Case Presentations – LCA case presentations / respondents with JLM response
Case presentations: Joanna  Shemansky & Lisa Milne
Respondents: Jonathan Redmond & TBD

Perth: 245 South Terrace, South Fremantle WA 6162
Melbourne: Nicholas Building

With Jérôme Lecaux NLS, ECF, WAP
Psychosis in the Clinic

Friday November 29th

Details to be announced.

Art by Rebecca Driffield