Clinical Study Days With Jean-Luc Monnier (NLS-ECF-WAP)
Painful loves: transference, fantasy and object a in the analytic setting
With reference to the 2025 NLS congress theme “Painful Loves”
You are invited to register.
The event schedule is as follows:
Tuesday October 22th
10am-5pm (AWST)
Clinical cases; Éric Laurent paper, “The case, from
unease to the lie”
Friday October 25th
6pm-8pm (AEDT)
Introduction to clinical study day: LCA president Kate Briggs
Case presentations: Jean-Luc Monnier
Saturday October 26th
10am-12pm (AEDT)
Jean-Luc Monnier lecture on transference in the later Lacan (transferential unconscious / the real unconscious) with reference to the 2025 NLS congress theme “Painful Loves”
2pm-5pm (AEDT)
Case Presentations: David Westcombe and Cara Brough
Respondents: Milanda Matthews and Ellen Smith
Sunday October 27th
10am-1pm (AEDT)
Jean-Luc Monnier lecture on “Symptom reduction in neurosis: working with drive objects and fantasy”
2pm-4pm (AEDT)
Case presentations: Joanna Shemansky & Lisa Milne
Respondents: Jonathan Redmond & Russell Grigg
Perth: 245 South Terrace, South Fremantle WA 6162
Melbourne: Nicholas Building
Online: Will be available to people interstate. Attendees in Melbourne are expected to attend in person.
Saturday dinner: Bar Lourinhã, starting at 6:30pm.
This event is free for LCA members. If you don’t wish to join us for the dinner but just want to attend the event, please contact Jonathan Redmond.