Lacan Circle Seminar

Lacan Goes to the Theatre







Lacan Goes to the Theatre

Presented by Russell Grigg


This Seminar was presented over ten weeks and concluded in October 2022


We explored Lacan’s commentary on two of the greatest plays:
Hamlet in Seminar VI, Desire and Its Interpretation, and
Antigone in Seminar VII, The Ethics of Psychoanalysis.


Lacan gives a novel and significant reading of both these plays, but the interest for psychoanalysis goes much further than a new look at two iconic plays. In Hamlet Lacan finds an opportunity to explore the question of mourning and its deep relationship with desire. In his commentary on Antigone, Lacan elaborates what he calls “the essence of tragedy” in order to raise the question of nothing less than the aims and ethics of psychoanalysis.


We discussed the seven chapters in Desire and Its Interpretation devoted to Hamlet
and the three chapters Lacan allocates to Antigone in The Ethics of Psychoanalysis.



Russell Grigg PhD studied and lectured in the Department of Psychoanalysis at the University of Paris VIII. He is a member of the Lacan Circle of Australia, the École de la Cause freudienne, the New Lacanian School, and the World Association of Psychoanalysis.


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